Sunday Highlights of May 26, 2019

ANNOUNCEMENTS         Memorial Sunday              May 26, 2019

Jesus Christ our Lord is Risen, Alleluia!

PENTECOST SUNDAY:  Sunday, June 9, is Pentecost Sunday. This celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit 50 days after Easter. Pentecost is the birthday of the Christian church. We encourage you to wear something RED for Sunday, June 9, to reflect the color of fire that symbolizes the Holy Spirit. Hopefully WUMC will be all in red for Pentecost!

PENTECOST SUNDAY/CHURCH PICNIC:  The Church Picnic will be held on Pentecost Sunday, June 9, after service.


Our church is in need of repairs. Please pray about this, and help with the transformation of the church. As God speaks to your heart, if you have not filled out a pledge form and would like to do so – please fill out a pledge form for your donation and place it in the offering plate.   (forms and envelopes are on front table).


MERCY DONATIONS:  Please remember that everyone can work together, both adults and children, to help the needy with your donation in the boxes located at both entrances.


DAILY PRAYER TIME & BIBLE READING TIME:  The Prayer Time is at 9pm.  Everyone can be in prayer together. Praying together, we are strengthened and blessed. The Bible is one of our greatest sources of spiritual food; try to read your Bible daily.





Leader: Almighty God, before whom stand the living and the dead, we your children, whose mortal life is but  a hand’s breadth, give thanks to you: For all those through whom you have blessed our pilgrimage, whose lives that have empowered us, whose influence is a healing grace,

 ALL:  We lift up thankful hearts.


Leader: For the dear friends and family members whose faces we see  no more, but whose Love is with us forever –

 ALL:  We lift up thankful hearts.


Leader: For the teachers and companions of our childhood and youth, and for the members of our household of faith who worship

you now in heaven,

 ALL:  We lift up thankful hearts.


Leader: For those who sacrificed themselves, our brothers and sisters who have given their lives for the sake of others,

 ALL:  We lift up thankful hearts.


Leader: That we may hold them all in continual remembrance, and Even think of them as with You in that city whose gates are

not shut by day and where there is no night,

 ALL:  We lift up thankful hearts.

Pastor:  Even as we remember those who have given their lives in the past, we also think of those whose lives are on the line today.       Protect them, Encourage them, Bring them home safely. O Lord, save your people and bless your heritage. Day by Day we magnify you, and worship your name, forever and ever. Amen.