ANNOUNCEMENTS March 24, 2024
HOLY WEEK and EASTER SCHEDULE: Today is the Sixth Sunday in Lent—
Palm/Passion Sunday, and the beginning of Holy Week. Palms are available at both
entrances. There will be a special time of fellowship after the service today.
Maundy Thursday – March 28, 7pm
EASTER SUNDAY—March 31, 10:30am
EASTER FLOWERS: If you would like to order Easter Flowers– order form is in
the bulletin-today is the deadline to order.
WALK TO EMMAUS: The Walk to Emmaus Retreat is a powerfully, transformative retreat experience focused on the love of God! Please speak with Pastor Eusun or Fred Fitch. Cost $300. Upcoming retreats: Women’s Walk #51, April 25-28 Men’s Walk #51, May 2-5.
NEW MEMBERS: If you would like to become a member of Woodbridge Methodist please
speak with Pastor Eusun. New Members will be received on Easter Sunday
ANOINTING: Going in for a procedure? Need healing prayers? Please share during “Koinonia” for laying-on-of-hands and anointing with oil at the end.
PARTICIPATE? We are always looking for participants in our worship service: readers; on
the music team (sing/play an instrument?); or have technical skills—powerpoint, computer,
communion steward, usher, etc…please see Pastor Eusun or Carol.
FACEBOOK/SOCIAL MEDIA: Our facebook page is an important outreach tool that can help connect us as well as reach out to potential visitors. Please be sure to “like” our page and click our pictures often:
ST JAMES FOOD PANTRY: Thank you for your donations. Please be sure to add a non-perishable item each time you go food shopping (can of soup, mac-n-cheese, etc.). The collection box is located by the hallway exit. MISSION FUND: Please continue to support our Sunday School as they collect money for a special Mission Fund. Containers are at both entrances.
TITHES & OFFERING: Thank you for supporting our ministry! On-line: through PayPal, found on Venmo: search for @woodbridge, select “Pay or Request,” and enter $amount. Check: place in offering plate or send to Woodbridge UMC via mail. Cash: place offering envelope in offering plate or in mail slot by parking lot door.