Sunday Highlights of January 19, 2020


CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING will be today after fellowship. Please note that all new elected Church Council members are expected to attend this first meeting.


CONNECTION GROUP LEADER’S MEETING will be held on Saturday, Feb.1, 10am at the round table room on the 2nd floor.


CONNECTION GROUP FELLOWSHIP will be held on Sunday, Feb.2, after service.


BIBLE READING CLUB: There is a Bible Reading Club which began in January, no classes are necessary, you sign up and commit to reading the bible daily and will complete the bible in the year. You will receive a Daily Study Book to follow it up. Please see the sign-up sheet insert, and pray about finding the time to share with God and join.

(Cost of “Daily Study Book” is $5 ($10 for both books, “Daily Study Book” & “Pocket Prayers”)


CAKE DECORATING CLASSES:  Cake Decorating Classes, sponsored by the UMW and taught by Saroja Benjamin, will be held on Tuesdays Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25 from 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. in the Fellowship Hall. It is free and all interested decorators are welcome. See the flyer insert for details. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board.


MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BIRTHDAY: Dr. King, a Baptist minister and African-American civil rights leader, was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He was a voice for equal rights for African Americans and others. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. In 1983, his birthday was designated a national holiday in the United States, observed on the third Monday in January. Dr. King spoke fervently of a day when all God’s children would join hands and walk together as sisters and brothers.