Sunday Highlights of May 5, 2019

ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                 May 5, 2019

Jesus Christ our Lord is Risen, Alleluia!


EASTER SERMON SERIES: Today is the third sermon in Pastor Lee’s three week sermon series What is Love?”  We will hear how this LOVE has power today to transform every aspect of our loves.


COMMUNION OFFERING: Today is Communion Sunday, and a special offering will be taken for Missions. Please place your donation in the plate as you come up to communion.


CONNECTIONAL GROUP FELLOWSHIP: Today is the Connectional Group fellowship please sit with your Connectional Group. This is a good time to connect in smaller groups to share how we apply God’s word in our life, celebrate joys with one another, and pray about our concerns in our life and faith journey.


ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Annual Conference is a yearly session for clergy and lay members to worship, learn about programs and conduct the business of the UMC of Greater New Jersey. This year it is held Sunday, May 19 – Tuesday, May 21, at the convention center, Wildwood. Joe and Janet Ciravolo will be attending the Conference with Pastor Lee.


PENTECOST SUNDAY/CHURCH PICNIC:  The Church Picnic will be held on Pentecost Sunday, June 9, after service.


Our church is in need of repairs. Please pray about this, and help with the transformation of the church. As God speaks to your heart, if you have not filled out a pledge form and would like to do so – please fill out a pledge form for your donation and place it in the offering plate.   (forms and envelopes are on front table).