Sunday Highlights of October 20, 2024


ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                                                               October 20, 2024     

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Sunday School for children pre-K through High School will be dismissed to Sunday School during the service. Sunday School Superintendent, Jay Kim, can be reached at 732-272-4156 or

UMCOR: donations are being accepted for the victims of the hurricane through the United Methodist Committee on Relief, please make your donation to the church and in the memo be sure to list UMCOR Hurricane Relief.

ANNIVERSARY OF THE CHURCH: The church is celebrating its 192nd  Anniversary of the Woodbridge United Methodist Church. Please be sure to read the History of the Church insert.

SAFE SANCTUARY: to provide a safe and secure environment for all children, the side door will be locked on Sunday at 10:45am, if arriving later, please use the front doors. During fellowship, the kitchen door will be open if you need to re-enter.

ANOINTING:  Going in for a procedure? Need healing prayers?  Please share during “Koinonia” for laying-on-of-hands and anointing with oil at the end.

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS: The first Sunday of each month during the announcements we will celebrate all the birthdays for that month. Please add your name to the list in the hallway.

FACEBOOK/SOCIAL MEDIA: Our facebook page is an important outreach tool that can help connect us as well as reach out to potential visitors. Please be sure to “like” our page and click our pictures often:

ST JAMES FOOD PANTRY: Thank you for your donations. Please be sure to add a non-perishable item each time you go food shopping (can of soup, mac-n-cheese, etc.). The collection box is located by the hallway exit. 

TITHES & OFFERING: Thank you for supporting our ministry!

On-line: through PayPal, found on

Venmo: search for @woodbridge, select “Pay or Request,” and enter $amount

Check: place in offering plate or send to Woodbridge UMC via mail.

Cash: place offering envelope in offering plate or in mail slot by parking lot door.

Every day at 9pm: Praying together is a vital key to opening God’s presence among His
people. Everyone can be in prayer together.
※ Prayer Chain: If you want to join the Prayer Chain for praying together, please ask Jane
(, or the office














































































































































