Sunday Highlights of September 4, 2022

Announcements                                                                                 September 4, 2022

SUNDAY SERVICE:  Sunday Worship Service is held in-person and online via zoom.

Sunday Service will be held at Fellowship Hall until renovations of the sanctuary are completed: Zoom info: Meeting ID: 833 3789 8077 | Passcode: 13579


TITHES & OFFERING: Please devote yourself to giving in FOUR ways:

1) On-line: through PayPal. This can be found on

2) Venmo: search for @woodbridge, select “Pay or Request,” and enter offering amount with “What’s it For”

3) Check: send to Woodbridge UMC via mail

4) Cash: insert your offering envelope in the mail slot at the parking lot side door.


GUEST SPEAKER & SMALL GROUP SEMINAR: We would like to thank Rev. Gina Yeske, Director of Resourcing Metro Highlands Region, for delivering God’s word in the sermon today. After the service Rev. Yeske will lead a small group seminar during fellowship. After fellowship she will have a meeting with the Connection Group Leaders at the classroom.


SPRC MEETING: SPRC meeting will be held on Sept 11 after service.


NEW MEMBERSHIP CLASS:  New Membership classes will be held on Sunday, Sept. 18 and 25 after service. Please contact the office if interested in becoming a member.


STREET FAIR: Sat., Sept. 17, 10:00am – we encourage the congregation to support our church at the annual Street Fair. It’s a fun day to help spread the word of God.

*Donations needed: Water, juice boxes, snack bags of chips or cookies, Christian books and magazines. Monetary donations are also welcome. Any questions, see Debbie Fedowitz


REMEMBRANCE OF 9/11: An Interfaith Memorial Service on Sunday, September 11, 2022, at 1:00 PM, which will be held behind the Woodbridge High School.


2022 CHURCH CONFERENCE: The Church Conference will be held on Sat., Oct. 15 at 12pm via zoom. Deadline for paperwork to be filed to Conference is Sept. 19.

*Please have reports submitted to office by Friday, Sept. 9.


BIBLE READING CLUB: If you would like to be part of the Bible Reading Club and commit to reading the bible daily, please follow the schedule that is listed in announcements.


FOOD PANTRY:  Prayer Group and church will give a donation each month to help those in need during these difficult times to St. James Food Pantry. You can help, please give a donation with your on-line offering, and designate it as “Food Pantry,” or send it to the office.


BIBLE READING CLUB   (Sun. Sept 4 -Sat. Sept. 10)
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday














2 Cor. 1 2 Cor. 2 2 Cor. 3 2 Cor. 4 2 Cor. 5 2 Cor. 6 2 Cor. 7

ALTAR FLOWERS: This is a special way to honor or remember a loved one. Cost is $25. Sign-up sheet in hallway or call the office. Any questions, please see Janet Ciravolo.

















