Sunday Highlights of November 10, 2019

 ANNOUNCEMENTS                                               November 10, 2019

CHURCH COUNCIL/TRUSTEE MEETING:  There will be a short special Church Council/Trustee meeting TODAY after fellowship to go over the budget.

VETERAN’S DAY:  Monday, Nov. 11, is Veteran’s Day. Veteran’s Day is a time that we remember and honor all persons who have served in the U.S. military…past and present. May God Bless our Veterans and their families, let’s not just remember them on Veteran’s Day, but every day – because of their service and sacrifice we can live in a better world.

THANKSGIVING SUNDAY LUNCHEON:  after Service on Nov. 18, Thanksgiving Sunday, will be a special Thanksgiving Luncheon. The church will supply the turkey and stuffing, please bring a dish of your choice so others can share. See Janet for information.


COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRY:  The St. James Community Food Pantry is in need of items for Thanksgiving dinner. There are about 200 families in need this year. You can help by donating stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, corn, string beans and canned yams, or any non-perishable food item are greatly appreciated. Please bring in items and place them in food box by door.

CHRISTMAS SHOE BOXES:  Operation Christmas Child – shoe boxes are due back today. Thank you to all who helped fill a box with items for children in need for Christmas. Any questions, please see Janet Ciravolo.

MERCY DONATIONS:  Please remember that everyone can work together, both adults and children, to help the needy with your donation in the boxes located at both entrances.


Everyone can be in prayer together. Praying together, we are strengthened and blessed. The Bible is one of our greatest sources of spiritual food; try to read your Bible daily.